Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Editing Rough Cut

From the 27th February to the 1st March we began to edit together our footage for our rough cut. Our group found this quite easy as it doesnt take very long to edit it compared to filming. We havent added any titles yet as we havent chosen a font and dont know where we'd like to postition them, so we have tried to get our footage in an approriate order. This has meant our footage is not 2 minutes long but we may need to refilm some of the beginning shots like the slow reveal of our female character to make it more tense.
However we have decided to have our titles appear for 4-5 seconds which is long enough for people to read them, but not too long to bore them. We will need to look into this with more detail later.

Another trouble we have had is finding a name for our production company. Today in the lesson we had a brainstorm after we finished our editing and came up with the name 'Upsidedown Productions'. We are going to edit this when putting it into our film by hopefully making the word 'upsidedown' being up the wrong way and having it turn to be the right way. This font will be different to the font of the titles as from our research the production logo and words are in a different font.

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