They alos said it didnt really have a starting point and could be quite confusing for the viewer if they didnt know the storyline beforehand.
We began to brainstorm and came up with the ideas of having some more shots of Luke in the beginning and possibly have him sitting in his study watching the news with a report of a missing girl, which is consequently the girl he's kidnapped. We researched more into this and found a clip from Doctor Who where he is talking through a tv screen and the others are watching it ; like luke would be watching a report. Skip to 3:07
The report would mainly consist of the girls mother talking deperately to the reporter asking for help and pleading for her daughter back. Therefore this would have to be filmed using many close ups, we'd then have to put the sequence on a dvd and put it on, on the TV. Luke would then watch it and turn it off laughing showing he doesnt care for her at all. We have emailed a police man to see if he could come in and improvise an interview for us, otherwise we will use a male drama teacher to be the detective and a female drama teacher as the mom
We could also show a better storyline by making a newspaper that he could be reading, and he could toss it down without any care or consideration, which may be easier to do than making him watch a report and filming it from the right angles to show Luke and the TV and facial reactions all at the same time. We have made this newpaper and we will stick this on the front of another newsparper to make it look more realistic. This is what it looks like:

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